
More Info

John Gabriele

Rippledoc is talkative. Just run it and it will tell you if you’re missing something.

What it Expects

Rippledoc has a few rules:

  • All doc files which you’d like Rippledoc to process must be Markdown-formatted (see Pandoc’s Markdown) and their filenames must end in “.md”. Rippledoc only cares about and processes filenames ending in “.md” — notably, it ignores “.txt” files.

  • You must have either an file in your doc directory, or else a file in the directory above it. Plus at least one other .md file in the doc directory.

  • Your doc files (../ too if you’re using it in place of an here) must begin with a “header block” supplying a title, for example:

    % Title for this Doc

    You can also add additional lines to that block for author and date (see Title Block).

  • A file named “_copyright” is required in your doc dir; this is how Rippledoc knows it’s at the top-level of your docs (in case you were to accidentally run it in a subdirectory therein). Rippledoc will place the raw html content of _copyright as-is into the footer of every html file it generates. The _copyright file will usually contain something simple like:

Further, Rippledoc:

  • is happy to process nested subdirectories of .md files
  • gleefully ignores directories containing no .md files (for example, you might have just a subdirectory of images)

What it Does

Rippledoc generates cross-linked html files from your markdown-formatted doc files. It also generates:

  • a top-level styles.css file (feel free to customize), and
  • default toc.conf files for each directory with any .md files in or under it.

A given generated html file resides in the same directory as its corresponding source .md file (you’ll see a link directly to the .md file in the corresponding html page’s footer).

To rearrange the order in which docs are listed in the table of contents, edit any of the toc.conf files and re-run

Either a top-level file, or else a file one directory above the doc directory, is special and required. It serves as the “front page” of your documentation. Also, its title (in its “title block”) should be the name of your project — it will be shown in the header of every generated page.

As a simple template, you might start each of your docs looking something like this:

% Title Goes Here
% Author Name
% 2018-07

Some text.

An H1 Heading

Some text.

An H2 Heading

And so on.

The title after the “%” is what will appear in the table of contents (except for or ../, the title of which will be used as the name of your documentation project as a whole).

For more help writing Pandoc’s Markdown, see the Quick Markdown Example.

Once you’ve got some docs written, you might rsync/ftp/scp your docs dir to the web to publish them (as shown earlier).